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Lessons from My Boobies

Its all about the boobies around here. My sweet little girl is growing and changing everyday and I'm learning more and more about being the breast mommy ever. It seems that there's an entire CULTURE of breastfeeding moms. Its not just about feeding the baby its about the RIGHT to feed the baby anyway you want and the POWER of the breastfeeding mama to whip it out whenever she wants and...*sigh* Its really quite exhausting.

Yesterday there was some kind of "feed-in" going on at Targets around the states because some poor woman was harrassed at a Target in Texas. So, breastfeeding mamas went to Target, whipped out their boobs and fed their kids. Uhm. Okay. And that proves what? I don't get why some breastfeeding moms want to FORCE their choice or what they believe the awesomeness of their choice is on everyone.

I'm not saying don't feed your kid in public. Not at all. If your kid is hungry, by all means feed it. However you feed. Its natural. Its what cute little kittles and baby sheep do. Its fine. Bottle OR breast. My problem comes from the breastfeeding Nazi's that don't care to be discreet (almost like they are going for shock value) and then want to lecture bottle feeding moms as though they are practically killing their babies. Are you kidding me?

Breastfeeding is going fine for us right now. Some times it feels like she is ALWAYS on the boob, but we are making it. It wasn't always this way. Until about 2 and a half months it was full of trials and tribulations. I threatened to quit lots. I would probably still be pumping for her, but that actual ART of breastfeeding was difficult. She got off to a slow start being in NICU and so we struggled to make the connection. Would I be Satan incarnate if I had given up and chosen the slightly less-stressed way to nourish my baby? In some circles-YES! Crazy women!

So around here I whip out the boob as needed. Joey and Jason are immune. I do try to protect other family members when I am at their homes by nursing in the bedroom or something. This is so they don't feel uncomfortable. I'm fine. I am not going to force them to enjoy the magic of motherhood. Its how she eats. That's all. It shouldn't be political or something that women do to intentionally shock or offend others.

I am now stepping off my soapbox.

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