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Boobie Lessons

This post is probably one of the most inappropriate ones I've ever written. Consider yourself warned. I can't wait to see what the search engine results for this post end up reading like. LOL. Once upon a time I posted about my cats liking to lick my husband's armpits and there were TONS of searches for "licking armpits" LOL. People are weird. Anyway...on to the boobie stories.

This whole pregnancy thing has done AMAZING things for my boobs! They are heavier than before (already). They seem to have a mind and agenda of their own. The nipples are hard all the time or at just randomly inappropriate times. Why? *shrugging* No idea. Mind. of . their. own.

And...they seem to work like a magic sex button. Jason just has to barely touch them and I'm ready. Like in every way. Why? No idea. Agenda. of. their. own.

And ...and...their sensitivity? Crazy-through-the-roof-oh-my-God kind of sensitivity. Like the wind blows and shwing! The alarm clock goes off....schwing! It's Tuesday...schwing! Macaroni and cheese for dinner...schwing! Anything. Oh...and did I mention that they are like some kind of magic sex button?

And...and...and... my husband finds this more than amusing. :-D

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