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Comeback Lessons

I'm baaaaaack!

Wow...so long since I've really blogged.  I'm totally going to blame it on the baby.  Totally.  It is amazing how much time she and her brother consume each day and how much space they fill in my heart!  *deep content sigh*

Okay.  Hallmark moment over.  Let me catch you up.

The boy: He's going to be 13 in a few weeks. THIRTEEN!  Its flown by.  He has traces of facial hair, stinks like a grown up, texts girls...holy cow!  He's adjusted to our move last year well socially, but his grades are in the gutter. *sigh* He seems happy though!  So, we'll work on the other stuff later! :-)

The baby: She's amazing.  Such a pleasant baby!  Smiley and giggly and everything.  Oh...and did I mention how beautiful she is?  If you mix my husband and I's genetics you should get a really tall, hairy troll...she is SO not that! :-)  She'll be ten months old in a few days.

The husband: Still kicking.  He's enjoying my summer break so that he finally has a little bit of baby free time.  The kids are always near us so we have become crazy creative with our uhm...adult time.  What that translates to is that we sneak around like teenagers! WoOoOoOot!  Car hood sex is still hot by the way.

The job:  Aw...who cares!  Its summer right? :-)  Actually I've still got school stuff going on.  I'm going to present a make and take session at the Missouri State Teacher's Association Leadership Symposium.  In like ten days.  *sigh*  HOLY CRAP I've got a lot of things to do!  Fortunately, the hubster is gonna help me put the packets together and that's probably the most labor intensive part of the prep.

The church: Had a great VBS.  Although our numbers are low, everyone is involved.  Seriously.  They are taking care of each other, connecting, getting involved in local projects.  Good stuff.

My boobs:  Did you know that after you breastfeed for a while, your awesome voluptuous boobs start to uhm...er...deflate?  That makes me so sad.  I mean, they still work and all and I just read an article about their HIV curing powers so "yay me!" but they don't look as perky or proud as they did about six months ago!  LOL!

Me: I've turned forty.  It was the worst birthday day in a very long time. :-(  And as for one who likes to celebrate her birthday for a good ten days or so...it was a major let down.  *sigh*  Lesson learned.  I did, however, get to spend a goodly portion of the day with a very dear friend.  That was awesome!

In other news, I think the baby said "damn" today.  *sigh*

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