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Lessons from the Heart

It has been interesting these last couple of weeks. Lots of lessons from the heart. Why? Well...my husband's gave out on him last week. At age 38, he had his first heart attack. He has a condition called IHSS which is the same cardiac disease that those athletes that just collapse on the field and die have. Yeah. Crazy. About 14 years ago he had surgery to kill part of the heart that was beating against the rest of his heart and causing problems. The surgery was wildly successful and was the first of its kind performed at Missouri Baptist Medical Center. His heart condition is monitored with yearly visits, but due to lots of stressors...well...its now quite weakened.

I'd love to say that this was a total surprise, but its not. He doesn't take care of himself or his body in any way. Sometimes "forgetting" to take his meds and stuffing himself with chips and other crap on a daily basis. So, after a week of drama we are home. Although I was worried, I wasn't that crazy kind of worried that you might expect. I am confident that God has not brought us through all of the crap of the last few months only to kill him off. That brought me a great deal of peace through the entire process. It was also nice to have 4-5 days of just the two of us to talk, plan and simply connect.

What does this mean for our future? Right now that all seems to be up in the air. Our plans to move this summer have been stalled, which depresses me more than I have the courage to describe right now. He may or may not have a job at the marketing company he works for. They aren't exactly, uhm, people friendly. In fact, in the letter they sent saying that his leave of absence had been approved they made sure to point out that this in NO WAY guaranteed a position for him when he was ready to return. :-( *ugh* Our grand new plans for a "new start" seem to also have been thwarted. Not that new things aren't headed this way, but *alas* not the original plan. This saddens me. I neeeeeeeed different.

Another bummer? I'm in a super-horny pregnancy induced frenzy and I'm afraid that if we do anything too intense that it will kill him. :-( That's something that might scar a girl!

He is recovering and that is good. We were introduced to an awesome new hospital (think hotel with nurses) with FREE WIFI. Joey handled the situation like a pro. God is merciful and continues to bless us.

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