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Lessons from the Most Amazing Day Ever

Its amazing how things can turn around in a week. The Wednesday before things were bad bad bad. This Wednesday? Good good good!
We went in for the 12 week nuchal translucent scan. It was a delight 30-40 minutes looking at our little one! It was touching to see how Jason was moved by the whole experience. The baby measured perfectly in size...to the week and day actually! She was very active too. We watched as she kicked and moved her arms, threw her hand against her forehead and even sucked her thumb!!! Its amazing how already she is doing regular baby things. The measurements that test for Downs Syndrome had an awesome number (that of a 25 year old!). So, things could not have looked better.
It was such a great time for Jason and I to have together. A strengthening and bonding time that we hadn't experienced before. We left with a CD full of pictures and videos. I loved hearing him describe the experience to others.
We are so thankful for the blessings in our lives.
The trash has been swept clean and the future looks bright.
God is good.

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