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WTH Lessons from Scary Pregnancy Photos

Okay...I've recently lost days of my life to the StumbleUpon website. Its awesome! You pick your interests and then just click through a lovely, random collection of websites that others have stumbled upon and found interesting. LOVE THIS. Not too long ago I added the interest "pregnancy". Duh. Some sites were interesting, others funny and then...well...the pregnancy pictures? LOL. Scary! Here's some of what I stumbled upon.

Yes, here's my knocked up woman and tonight's dinner. *rolling eyes* I can't imagine WHY on earth she let this picture get out!
"You are WHEELy pretty when you're preggers honey." I don't get it? Are they naming the kid "Michelin"?
I'm not sure if I'm more disturbed by the crazy, accentuated stretch marks or the fact that her partner wants to shoot me because I'm looking at them.
Uhm...I'm pretty sure that horseback riding is discouraged during pregnancy. Especially when you are about to pop.
Flippin' the bird. Yeah, is that a sign of good luck or something?
Even I'm speechless on this one.
Well, hydration IS important, but uhm...*shudders* really?
Enough clowning around already! You're gonna have a baby!
ROTFLMBO! I can just hear him yelling "I win! I win! I've STILL got the biggest belly! Booyah!"
Poor guy. You can almost see the humiliation in his eyes! :-(

I've been thinking about pregnancy photos. Not professional probably, but just a shot or two. I have a couple of problems though. First of all, I do not have a pretty belly. Due to multiple surgeries I have large, dark scars and no belly button. I am lopsided and...uhm...lumpy. I also have an abdominal hernia the size of a volley ball. These things do not make for lovely mommy-to-be shots. In addition, I got pregnant around 200 pounds. To most people I'm not even showing, just chubbier! LOL. I've just started my 6th month so I'm sure it will become more obvious eventually, but still as far as photos go...I just don't know.

I'm creating a pregnancy scrapbook with pics of the little one's ultrasounds and other pics from the last month. Still pondering the preggo pictures of me! And after the findings above? *shaking head* I just don't know!!!

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