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Week in the Life-Sunday

We'll see if I can keep this up alllll week, but I'm going to try. Okay...unless the doc says that they baby is coming tomorrow or something. :-) I have always enjoyed playing along with Ali Edward's Week in the Life Project. I LOVE documenting the ordinary and this project speaks to me. So, I hope to share my pictures and add just a few words with each one to keep everything fresh until I can create an album for this week. My craft room is being unpacked s l o w l y and I can't really create until its done. So...here's day 1 of a week in our life.
Katara and Taffy have become quite friendly. They "cuddled" in a chair in Joey's room most of the afternoon.
During Sunday School, the sanctuary is empty. I like looking at row after row of shiny wooden pews. :-) I also like that calm silence when no one else is there.
Before worship, Jason and I talk about this and that.
Joey has been enjoying a video game called "MindCraft". Its a creative game where you build and craft the world you run around in.
Jason's Mom hung out with us this afternoon and watched Unstoppable (which made her soooo nervous because of how suspenseful it is) and ate WalMart pizza.
Why does it seem that I am ALWAYS at Wal-Mart? lol. We just picked up a few things today and still spent a hundred dollars. ugh.
Coupons. Coupons. Coupons! This was so much easier before the show Extreme Couponing came on. Now manufacturers have shortened how long the coupons are good for, stores are limiting quantities and newspapers are gone by noon on Sunday. I hope those people are USING the stuff they are buying and not just stockpiling to get on a tv show.
Early this morning as sun peeked through the curtains, I typed the church bulletin. Our worship service started with "Shine Jesus Shine". Love that song!
Today I am thankful for pedicured toes. Friends took me out for this treat Thursday and then we had sweets and opened gifts for the baby. So nice! It makes me smile every time I look down and see them.

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