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Lessons from "Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow"

Its true. I'm a dreamer. I have an idea of what life should be and perceive that as "THE" life. I have often be criticized for this little personality trait. Mostly that came from people without a vision for their life or future. From people who just see life as "what it is". I tried to be that way, but it always seems I'm dreaming of a little more.

Well, it has occurred to me that perhaps I'm there. :-)

I am content. I am happy. Sure, I have goals that I'd like to reach as far as finances, career, weight loss, etc... but I am happy working toward those goals. Content.

What has made me think this way? Just a good day.

-was early to work after making several stops
-one stop included an awesome sweet tea
-classes were stellar, just great
-connected with a few people at work, really NICE people, genuine
-made some connection at a workshop that may lead me to getting to play with an iPad or two this spring. That makes my techie heart pump faster.
-got to see my brothers tonight and they got to see the baby. It was fun to chat with them
-hubby and I had a few alone minutes that we both needed
-Joey is happy
-Sophia is beautiful
-God has met our needs for the week
-I have deer sausage in the fridge.

:-) See? All good.

Don't stop thinkin' about tomorrow.

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