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Lessons from the Domestic Goddess

Things I've Done Today That Seem Much More Like Martha Stewart Than Me

1. I made a cake that looks like a burger. :-D

2. I decorated the church dining hall for Easter Breakfast.

3. I made 24 cupcakes and decorated them with coconut grass and cute little chick Peeps that are perched near jelly bean "eggs".

4. Did 4 loads of laundry and put most of it away.

5. Picked out and prepped everyone's outfit for tomorrow. We Three Kings (plus one) are wearing blue. :-D

6. Made Goody Goody Pie (its a layered pudding dessert-don't know its real name)

7. Picked out a dozen lovely roses to use as centerpieces tomorrow.

8. Charged the camera and took pictures of food.

9. Shaved most parts of me that needed shaved. ;-)

10. Waited up for my dreamy husband.

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