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Lessons in Working Away the Summer

Today I was stressed.


It's summer vacation and I'm stressed.

It feels like I've been working all summer.  I only taught 6 days of summer school and only four of them felt like work.  There are just so many other things that require my attention:VBS, this state presentation make and take thing I'm working on, my side business, keeping the house and giving my awesome family some attention.

VBS is a LOT of work.  If you've done it, you know.  As the director I had lots of prep stuff to do.  Like a week's worth of stuff.  It went fine, but it was like work.

This presentation is going to be nice.  Probably.  If I don't die before getting all the stuff together.  Its just taking SoOoOoOoOoOo long!  Today I decided in a brilliant moment of creativity that instead of just putting the packet stuff in baggies that I would put all the supplies in those cute little brown paper lunch bags.  Buuuuuuuut not just lunch bags.  Lunch bags that were transformed into cute little backpacks!

Don't get me wrong.  They are so cute I want to hug myself, but they are taking a long time. 200 of them.  What was I thinking?

The side business is great and gives us a little extra money near the beginning of the school year to help with school clothes and supplies and that big push to get back in the swing of things but I have had NO time to update it.  No new product means fewer sales.  *sigh*  I kind of feel the need to make more money being that I'm the primary financial contributor.

So....every day it feels like I have more and more work to do...and that's not even listing the laundry, dishes, etc...  I told my husband that I felt like I had working Mom guilt and it was summer!  I want to laze around and nap with the baby and play with the boy.  *sigh*

So, I'm praying about priorities and figuring out how to get everything done and still enjoy some summery time things.

Oh...and haters that are rolling their eyes because I have the summer off...I've been doing this since I was 5.  Summers off is my schedule.  And don't hate.  You wouldn't want to do what I do during the school year!  It's awesome, but it is not for everyone!

Okay...rant over.

Tomorrow I am (mostly) taking the day off.  I am gonna see that naughty Magic Mike movie at 9 in the morning.  Its not sexy if its before noon, right?  And tomorrow night I am a guest judge at a small town singing contest!  HOW FUN is that? :-)

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