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39 Reasons I Love Being 39

Today I turned 39! :-D It has been a difficult and trying year, but also one of great surprise and change.

Reasons I Love Being 39
1. Against all odds and in complete amazement, there is a little life growing inside me.
2. My son's beautiful smile.
3. Realization that adversity brings about positive change.
4. I have discovered who my TRUE friends are. I should have known this all along.
5. Cheesecake.
6. An old dog CAN learn new tricks. It still makes them a dog, but they can learn.
7. Multiple orgasms.
8. I am employable in a variety of places, ways and circumstances.
9. Truth does not always set people free, but its important enough to wear the shackles of consequences too.
10. My bulletin board business has been a blessing and a wonderful creative outlet for me.
11. Embracing geekiness is fun.
12. Zia's Italian restaurant on the Hill.
13. Purple.
14. Heartfelt relationships with students that improve both our lives.
15. I am 150 pounds LIGHTER than I was several years ago.
16. HD TV rocks my world.
17. Facebook has opened up several relationships that I treasure greatly.
18. My future is written by me.
19. My lesbian cats amuse and comfort me.
20. I am not afraid to tell people how old I am or need to lie about it. I am thrilled to have made it this long! :-D
21. There have been LOTS of snow days this year. I like that too.
22. Scrapbooking.
23. My boobs are bigger. That's awesome too.
24. There's this homemade fruit salad that's just fresh pineapple, strawberries and grapes that I've been making. It's awesome.
25. I know what I like.
26. Conversations with my son can often find more depth than before.
27. Being independent means CHOOSING to be dependant on another.
28. I learned to make homemade pizza. It doesn't suck.
29. For some reason, people read my blog. *giggle*
30. I am not a coward. I continue to prove that. :-D
31. I am pretty darn healthy.
32. The funniest part about watching America's Funniest Home Videos with Joey is watching Joey watch America's Funniest Home Videos.
33. Getting flowers at work.
34. I've swept a great deal of trash out of my life recently. Its a beautiful thing.
35. Money has been less of a concern than before.
36. Spending time with my sweet grandma makes me happy. I think it makes her happy too.
37. I've started doing a couple of things that are crazy good for me, my family and my relationships that I haven't done before.
38. Turning 40 looks to be as wonderful as turning 39.
39. God is faithful, merciful and loves me more than I will ever understand.

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