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Lessons in New Year's Eve and TMI

Yeah. So I share a little bit too much. Sometimes. I mean...really...I'm just an open person. No, wait. That's not really true. But I do tend to overshare. Last night (NYE) was a perfect example! I made some resolutions for the new year. On our way to a get-together with college friends I read them to the husband. Here they are:

Resolution #1: I will be the change I want to see in my home, my church, my relationships and in the world.

Resolution #2: I will pray more and cuss less.

Resolution #3: I will stop referring to my breasts as though they were voting entities in the republic of Tracy.

Resolution #4: I will take more pictures. Taking pictures makes me happy. And who knows, when some of you people are famous they may be worth something.

Resolution #5: I will guilt my family into more get-togethers. Family time is fun!

Resolution #6: I will have a real face to face meal with one of the Facebook friends I only know online.

Resolution #7: I will stop lying about LOLing. Cause really, does anyone actually LOL as much as they type LOL?

Resolution #8: I will stop laughing at my own jokes.

As soon as I stop cracking myself up!

Resolution #9: I will use my safe word.

Resolution #10: I will stop referring to my mother as “the crazy grandma”.

Resolution #11: I will pursue opportunities to serve others and drag my son along in the spirit of character education.

Resolution #12: I will unpack. Completely.

Resolution #13: I will use more of my leisure time to make music. No, not that kind. Gross.

Resolution #14: I will stop referring my former co-workers to the Hookers for Jesus website for intervention. It’s still funny, but I think they just may be enjoying it.

Resolution #15: I will rhyme more. I will rhyme galore! Rhyming makes me happy and makes my phone calls snappy! I will rhyme more.

Resolution #16: I will occasionally turn off auto-correct just to test my awesome spelling skills.

Resolution #17: I will stop referring to the children as zombie snacks.

Resolution #18: I will stop reading status updates and adding the words "in bed" to them. It consumes too much of my day and makes my fortune cookies seem less special.

Resolution #19: I will spend more time with my favorite college friend. *wink wink*

Resolution #20: I will not brag about my amazing sex life lest it disappear.

Resolution #21: I will wear pants that fit.

Resolution #22: I will use the word “aight” more in everyday conversation. I’m sure my coolness rating will like double or something. I think I’ll also work on bringing “daddy-o” back into mainstream slang. “Aight daddy-o?” ßSee? That’s phat!

Resolution #23: I will mop. No, seriously.

Resolution #24: I will continue to clear out the people clutter in my life by embracing the good and dismissing the false. I have little time for traitors, liars and people that just suck the awesomeness out of my typically awesome days.

Resolution #25: I will stop making new year’s resolutions. Nobody remembers them anyway.

Classic, right? Husband is like "Uhm...did you post them for everyone to read?" Me: "Only everyone on Facebook." Husband: *deep sigh*

It is obvious that he doesn't approve. I've never said that I was any good at this whole preacher's wife thing...especially the whole "modest" part. I tend to be a bit more honest. I'm a real person. I do real people things. I love Jesus and YES-he loves me! That's just how I choose to live my life. And perhaps I talk about my boobs too much. Anyway...I was disappointed that he didn't find them amusing. That was mostly the point.

What made him forget this beautiful piece of literary wonder? Later at the New Year's Eve party there was this little story about a near electrocution, a dildo and one crazy girls night. :-) Its much more innocent than it sounds, but I'm just gonna leave you with that.

Happy New Year!

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