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Lessons in Thankful

For most of my grown-up life I waited to become a mom. On July 29, 1999 my dream came true. Although I still wanted more children, it seemed that God had other plans. After years of struggling with my feelings of deficiency and infertility I began praying for a peace and an understanding. I began praying to be satisfied and enjoy the incredible life God had given me. Not long after that a miracle happened-I was pregnant!

Tomorrow morning we will welcome our daughter into the world. We've had a crazy healthy pregnancy, our lives have been transformed in many ways in the last 7 months and God has shown us more mercy and grace than we can ever EVER understand. Sweeping away the trash in our lives has opened us up to a multitude of blessings. Humbled. We are humbled by the events of the last year and eager to embrace what our future holds.

Our lives are so much better now than they were this time last year. In nearly every way, in nearly every aspect of our lives we can see God's hand, His protection, His plan.

And we are thankful.

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