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Week in the Life-Monday

I can't get these silly pictures to stay in order so this is kind of a random look at my day. :-)
Monitoring session at the Perinatal Center. Sophie did beautifully! Perfect screening! Although we waited FOREVER! *ugh* Ultrasound shows a big baby girl!
Gosh. Lately we seem to drive a lot. Trips to the city two and three times a week. I love my doctor and the nurses that take care of me, but *whew* so much driving!
Pasta House for dinner. Unfortunately, nothing tasted good. I brought home most of it. Must have been too tired or something.
Love it! Parking for us poor old pregnant folk with big fat swollen feet! :-)
Jas has been doing most of the driving lately as I'm so uncomfortable. Its so sweet to watch him prepare for the baby. His nervousness lets me know how important we are to him. :-)
Joey heading off to school. He was pretty happy this morning since he got up in time to play some games and chase the cat around.
Waffles and Mt. Dew for breakfast. It truly is the breakfast of champions, right?
A slow wake-up means a happy morning!
Mom came over to do laundry and wait for Joey to get home from school. I had to walk her through using the remote over the phone. :-)
Jason partaking of breakfast. It was a long day and this was the jump start he needed.

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