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Sleep Deprived Lessons

It's true. I'm not getting lots of sleep. My little princess needs to eat and Mommy provides that. Fortunately, my hubby is great and gets up when I need him. :-)

Last night I was reflecting. Again. I am every so thankful for the life purge that took place earlier this year. Although I still struggle with moments of anger and disappointment about some evil traitors in my life, Jason and I both agree that our life is BETTER without that in it. :-)
Last night I also noted a LOT of drunk Facebooking. *giggle* Its always the same people and its always around the same times. I wonder if they ever go back and look at some of them. I would hope they would delete them *giggle* but no!

Its quiet in the middle of the night. Peaceful. Soothing. I usually miss this part of my day. Now, don't get me wrong. I would probably rather be sleeping. But this calm, quiet time with my precious daughter in my arms is pretty great too.

The cats are INSANE in the middle of the night. Running, frolicking, leaping, knocking things off the table to play with. *giggle*

Its nice to check on Joey in the middle of the night. He looks so sweet. His cat is almost always curled up with him. Often she crawls up UNDER his covers and peeks her head out. Too cute!

Okay...I know this was just weird rambling, but hey...it happens sometimes. Come back next week for funny stuff about newborns, Halloween and my boobs. :-) You're welcome.

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