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Happy Birthday to "ME"

Today is my B-Day, and this stone wall was my present from my husband and son in law. Do I have the best guys or what? They did it in one day! I just love it!!!!!

I love how you move from the stone to the cedar railing that surrounds my sunken living room.

I already had a stone floor, so the stone wall was calling my name . . . haunting me . . .

This is what I had before, I never did like it, but my honey put it in without consulting me when we were building the house. So much better now , would you agree?

And on another note, Look what Ms Brenda sent for my little guy! She made this Monkey with her own two hands! Tate just loves it. She put his name on the tail, so cute. At my age one does not get many surprises and this was so sweet. Thank you Brenda, you're the best!

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