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"Gutsy" that's a good word for it . . .

Don't you just love people that take chances? The rare few that color outside the lines, dance to a different tune. How many of you would have the guts to do this black wall? I know I wouldn't and yet, I love it.

Check out all the different fabric and colors here . Fun, fun , fun and then they go all serious and hang that artwork.

I would never hang that light fixture, I don't even think it goes, but is sure is cool. I would say this designer is "Gutsy". When you take a few chances, it makes for a room that people will remember and talk about.

Would you consider doing a dining room like this? Do you like it?

When taking chances and being gutsy, accessories are the safest way to go. They are easy to change and don't require a big commitment. Are you "Gutsy"? I don't think I am, but I do admire those that are . . . Take a look around your castle, where have you been " Gutsy"? I would love to hear about it.

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