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"My" Top Ten Elements of Design # 5

One of the things that I personally love in a room is a mix of finishes . . . I try to make sure that at least one painted piece is included. I prefer this piece to be a bit worn. It can be a "New" piece, but I want it to look old.

These worn painted pieces just make a room feel like you can relax and put your feet up . . . and if it is the coffee table, you can! You don't have to be so careful, they just make living easy.

I also think your accessories look better on a painted background. They can add the punch of color that may be lacking as well.

I know that you have all heard that every room needs a touch of black . . . that just may be true!

In my own castle, I have at least one painted piece in every room , except my Living Room, however, my dining room and foyer are almost part of that room , only a wooden rail separates the spaces, and I have painted pieces in both the foyer and the dining room. So tell me, how do you feel about "Painted Pieces"?

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